First shoot of the Season 6 7 2024
Happy Days.. We finally got a shoot in ! The weather was a little dodgy to start with, as we put targets in while it rained, but once the range was openned we didn’t have any weather delays. The wind was somewhat tricky , but not to bad. Well done to those that shot well today. A good start to the season, even if it was a little Cold !
Hi BCRC team and shooting enthusiasts,
It was great that the rain held off long enough for us to shoot on the less saturated 300m mound yesterday. According to the BOM ap, the wind was blowing SSE with 28km/hr wind and gusts of up to 39 km/h – that was the reading at around 10am. After shooting my two FTR stages with my freshly minted handloads (Sierra 155gr HPBT), I decided to refer to my wind dial chart to see if my groups on the target corresponded with where the chart said my shots would land in a SSE wind, and to my surprise, the wind chart was dead accurate. So a reminder to self – refer to the wind dial chart before shooting for score. See you all again next week.