2 11 24 @500m

2 11 24 @500m

We were at 500m today. Everyone seemed to get along fine share sharing targets. The weather though was a little troublesome. The rain kept us on our toes. It would rain then stop, then rain, then stop. It did this all day! Well done to those that braved the conditions...
27 10 24 @300m

27 10 24 @300m

Another weekend at 300m. The Manlet work is dragging on, so calender changes may keep happening in the following months. At least the weather was on our side. It was sunny and cool with southerly winds. Some members found the wind a little hard to read, but others...

19 10 24 @300m

Today we needed to swap ranges to 300m just to make it easier with the target sharing we need to do. This is because of the manlet work being done and different groups not lining up with their work.  The weather was somewhat kind with the wind coming in from the...
12 10 24 @700m

12 10 24 @700m

What a windy day! That southerly was a real beast to contend with for some. Well done to those that braved the conditions and shot well.  BCRC is planning on starting .22lr shooting on a Saturday morning in the Horseshoe range. No details as yet but keep your eye on...
5 10 24 @ 600m

5 10 24 @ 600m

It was a tricky conditions day. The wind was coming from the West over our left shoulders and switching from time to time. At least the sun was out and it was an enjoyable day. Well done to those that scored well today.  We have a working bee on the 13th of October,...
AGM 28 9 24 and 500m

AGM 28 9 24 and 500m

It was BCRCs Agm this weekend, Thanks to all that attended and contributed. We have a lot of new ideas to sort through. The meeting went well with a lot of items discussed. Ranging from social media ideas, exploring utlising the Horserange to encourge new and current...